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Level Up to BIKELIFE, April 2017

HBID Downtown Ambassadors took the TS101 course in 2016

Downtown Ambassadors took the TS101 course in 2016

Bicycle Loving Friends and Supporters – Spring is rushing in and BiCi Co. is chock full of opportunities to get your bicycle fix.  Before you hit the road, we suggest that you put some time into bicycle safety education.   Those trained in safe cycling are way ahead of others when it comes to avoiding the dangers on our city streets, suburban roads, and heck – even those multi-use trails.

Please Share – Share these opportunities with your networks.  Bicycle education changes the game for bike commuters and recreational cyclists (including youth and teens), and we need more of it!

Safe Cycling / Traffic Skills 101 – Sunday, April 9th.  Great for beginners through experienced cyclists.  If you haven’t taken a safe cycling course before, this is the gold standard.  Ages 14+

  • TS101 FB Event –
  • More Information Now Registering. This is the most important class you can take to improve your personal safety as a cyclist. Share this with those you love.  BiCi Co. brings the Hartford area invaluable bicycle education. The TS101 course is comprehensive and taught by Connecticut’s most experienced instructors.

BIKELIFE Hartford – April 10th – 15th.  This is the 2nd year for our showcase event.  With your support, we bring 100 bicycles back to life and put them under Hartford area youth to increase their independent and healthy mobility.

  • Register A Youth – Call 860-247-3227 on Monday-Thursday between 9am-4pm and Fridays from 9am-12pm.  Youth and teens between 10 and 19 can register ($20 fee).  Families, siblings, and youth leaders are welcome to attend the safety classes and the BIKELIFE Festival on Saturday.  Or register online now.
  • Volunteers Needed – We’ll need volunteers during the safety classes during the week to help with the bicycle helmet fit and ABC Quick Check breakout activities.  Volunteers are also needed on Saturday April 15th for the BIKELIFE Festival next to the BiCi Co. shop on Park Street.  Match teens with bikes, and staff the check-in tables and distribution of bike locks.  Volunteer mechanics needed to adjust seat posts and stems and do minor fit tweaks.
  • Bicycle Donations Needed – Do you have a *shop quality* bike gathering dust in the garage?  Bring it down to BiCi Co. and we’ll up-cycle it. Hours – Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:30pm. And evening hours on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5:30-8:30pm.  97 Park Street, Hartford.
  • BIKELIFE Builders Ball with Volunteer Mechanics – Fridays leading up to BIKELIFE.  3/31, 4/7, and 4/14.  5pm-8:30pm.  Grown folks only.  BYO refreshments.
  • Other ways to support BIKELIFE – BiCi Co. annual memberships and financial contributions make this possible.  This is a $12,000 annual event with staff time, shop costs, replacement parts, locks, lights, insurance, and fees.  Interested in a corporate sponsorship?  Send us a note or call 860-247-3227.


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