Bici Co Updates

News & Information

What’s Up Bici Co?!?! Spring 2018 Update/Newsletter

BikeLIFE! – Hartford Bicycle Festival: Hartford School’s Spring Break Week, Mon-Sat, April 9-14th

The BikeLIFE! – Hartford Festival is back for a 3rd straight year! This year’s going to be bigger and better then ever. Registration is open for youth (8-19 years old) and for a cohort of awesome volunteers.

As in years past, the festival is broken into two parts: Five 2hr Bicycle Safety Courses – Mon, 4/9-Fri, 4/13; and one grand celebration festival on Sat, 4/14.

The five bicycle safety courses are 10am-12pm during the Hartford Public School’s Spring Break week (Mon, April 9 – Fri, April 13th). The courses strategically located around Hartford to reach as many youth as possible. It’s an awesome opportunity to connect with youth that love bikes and riding.

Saturday, April 14th is the big festival day! Youth that have completed one of the bicycle safety courses will join and get an upcycled bike, helmet, lights and locks. We also need volunteers to help with a whole array of activities from bike distribution to bicycle football referee!

Are you or do you know a youth 8-19 years old that’s all about that #BikeLIFE?!?! Register to participate today:

Are you an adult that’s all about that #BikeLIFE! We need you! Help us build up 100 bikes, and volunteer at the BikeLIFE events. To register as a volunteer follow this link:

WTF (Women, Trans, Femme) Bike Nights

WTF Night’s are on and rolling! WTF is designed to create an open space that welcomes all to connect, learn and love #BikeLIFE! If that environment speaks to you, come check out a class or just stop me to meet some of the other members.

Classes are the 2nd and 4th Monday with committee meetings on the first Monday of the month.

For more information, become a member of the Facebook group: , and/or join the contact list with an email to

Meet the Interns

This spring, BiCi Co is hosting seven interns through Junior Apprentice and the Hartford School’s Internship Program. If you come in on Monday, you’ll get a chance to meet Shamari and Olivia.

Shamari is a senior at R.J. Kinsella Magnet School.

Olivia is a junior at Pathways Academy.

BiCi Co Bike Ninja Classes

Ever wanted to roll through wheel truing, flip through changing a flat tire, or slice through gear adjustments?!?! Then BiCi Co has the program skills course for you!

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, BiCi Co is hosting Mechanic’s Skills Ninja course for our members and the community to earn their bicycle black belt.

For more information, drop us line at, or see the events on Facebook: .

Bikes for Jobs Access

BiCi Co was awarded an wonderful grant this year to get people on a bike that would help them expand their economic prospects. Our goal, is to provide out 75 bikes. Individuals must be referred in by a social service program provider, ie case manager, counselor, etc.

For more information see the information page: For a referral form, drop a line to

REI Donation Drive

The partnership with REI West Hartford has extended to a 2nd years. On Saturday, May 12th you can donate a bike at REI that will be brought over to BiCi Co for a discount on REI gear. Our standard request stands, please donate bikes that are in decent working condition, and are bikes that started life at a bike shop rather than a department store. Look out for more information on REI West Hartford’s Website:

Pedal the Medal

If you’ve haven’t heard about Pedal the Medal, check-out this great video on Facebook. Chion Wolf is heading up the effort that will create an awesome event for Hartford cyclists that runs in conjunction with the Eversource Hartford Marathon on Saturday, October 3. Right now, she is seeking founding sponsorships. Once the seed funds are are raised, additional dollars will go to BiCi Co! It’s a win-win. Fun new bike event in Hartford, and helping BiCi Co fulfill its mission to community.

For information, see:

Spring Rides & Slow Rolls

Spring is trying to break through!

If you’re itching to get out and roll, come join the BiCi Co community on Wednesday, March 28th at 7pm, for a Ride Planning Party.

We’ll discuss routes, ride leaders, and dates. Also, there will be exclusive discounts offered on the night for bike maintenance/tune-ups, parts, and accessories.

Snacks will be provided. If you have a snack to share, bring it along!

In the meantime, I wAnT tO RiDE mY Bicycle!!!

Victus Coffee Partnership

BiCi Co’s got coffee! In partnerships with Victus Coffee, BiCi Co is selling the premium athlete inspired fuel from our shop. A portion of proceed support our youth cycling programs. Stop in and grab a bag today!


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